Divine Will for every day of the year - September 26, 1926 Volume 20

I was feeling all immersed in the Supreme Volition, and my poor mind was thinking about the many admirable effects It produces.

And my always lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, the mere word ‘Will of God’ contains an Eternal Portent, that no one can equal. It is a Word that embraces everything—Heaven and earth. This Fiat contains the Creative Fount, and there is nothing good that cannot come from It. So, one who possesses My Will, by virtue of It, acquires by right all the goods that this Fiat possesses. Therefore, she acquires the right to the Likeness of her Creator, she acquires the right to Divine Sanctity, to His Goodness, to His Love. By right, Heaven and earth are hers, because all came into existence from this Fiat. With reason, her rights extend over everything. So, the greatest Gift, the greatest grace I can give to the creature is to give her My Will, because all possible and imaginable goods are bound to It—and by right, because everything belongs to It.”