“…Therefore, you must know that one who lives in My Will offers royal acts to the Eternal Majesty—acts which can be found only in the divine royal palace of My Will. When the creature comes before Us with the royal acts that Our Will does in all Creation, only then do We feel truly honored by her; these are divine acts, worthy of Our Majesty. On the other hand, one who does not live in Our Will, as much good as he might do, offers Us always human acts, not divine—acts which are inferior to Us because the royal act of Our Divine Fiat does not flow in them.
“It happens as to a king who is served by a pageboy of his with all the things which are in His royal palace. Even though they are his own things, the king feels honored because, if he drinks, he drinks his pure water in golden vases, clear and clean; if he eats, the food is worthy of him and is given to him in silver platters; if he clothes himself, he is brought royal garments which befit him as king. The king feels all pleased and satisfied because he is served with the royal things that belong to him. On the other hand, another pageboy serves the king, but when the king wants to drink, he goes to his own miserable home to take his turbid water, and brings it in vases of clay, not well cleaned; if the king wants to eat, he goes to take his own unrefined food, and in disgusting plates; if the king wants to clothe himself, he brings him unadorned garments, unworthy of a king. The king is not pleased nor honored in being served by this pageboy; rather, he remains with a pain in his heart and says: ‘How can this be? I have my own royal things and this one dares to serve me with the miserable things of his home?’ The first pageboy is one who lives in My Will; the second is one who lives of human will. What great difference between the two!”