From the Calendar--April 19, 1919 Volume 12

And He clasped me all to His Heart, and drawing me outside of myself, He added:  “Cheer up, My daughter; come into My Will to be able to better comprehend and see what My Humanity did for the good of creatures.”

I don’t know how to say what I comprehended; in many things I lack the words.  I will just say what my sweet Jesus told me:  “My daughter, My Humanity was the sole organ which reordered the harmony between Creator and creature.  I did for each soul all that they were obliged to do toward their Creator, not excluding even the very lost souls, because for all created things I was to give to the Father complete glory, love and satisfaction.  With this difference only:  that for the souls who somehow fulfill their duties toward the Creator—as almost no one arrives at satisfying them all—their glory unites to Mine, and everything they do remains as though grafted in Mine; while the lost ones remain as though parched members which, lacking the vital humors, are not fit for receiving any graft of the good I have done for them, but are only fit for burning in the eternal fire.  So, My Humanity restored the lost harmony between creatures and Creator, and sealed it at the price of blood and unheard-of pains.”