Continuing in my usual state, I felt all immersed in the Divine Volition, and my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, just as the sun does not leave the plant, but caresses it with its light, fecundates it with its heat until it produces fruits and flowers, and, jealous, it makes them mature, it guards them with its light; and only when the farmer picks the fruit to make of it his food, then does it leave it—the same for the acts done in My Will: My love, My jealousy toward them is so great, that grace caresses them, My love conceives them, fecundates them and matures them. I place thousands of Angels as custodians of one single act done in My Will. In fact, since these acts done in My Will are seeds so that My Will may be done on earth as It is in Heaven, all are jealous of these acts. Their dew is My breath; their shadow is My light. The Angels remain enraptured by them and, reverent, they adore them, because in these acts they see the Eternal Will, which deserves all their adoration. And only when I find other souls who, picking them as divine fruits, make of them food for their souls, then are these acts left. Oh! the fecundity and multiplicity of these acts! The creature herself who does them cannot count them.”