From the Calendar--April 30, 1932 Volume 30

But I was thinking to myself:  “But, how can it be that the creatures may come to live in the Divine Will, so as to form Its Holy Kingdom?”  And my beloved Jesus, surprising me, told me:  “My daughter, how little you are!  It shows how your littleness is incapable of rising in the power, immensity, goodness and magnanimity of your Creator; and from your littleness you measure Our greatness and Our liberality.  Poor little one—you get lost within Our interminable powers, and are incapable of attributing the right weight to Our divine and infinite ways.  It is true that, humanly speaking, for the creature, besieged by evils as she is, to live in My Will, to form Its Kingdom in their midst, is like wanting to touch Heaven with her finger—which is impossible; but what is impossible for men is possible for God.  You must know that the living in Our Will is a gift which Our magnanimity wants to give to creatures; and with this gift the creature will feel transformed—from poor, rich, from weak, strong, from ignorant, learned, from slave to vile passions, sweet and voluntary prisoner of a Will all holy, which will not hold him prisoner, but king of himself, of the divine dominions and of all created things.

“It will happen as to a poor man who is clothed in miserable rags, lives in a hovel, without doors and therefore exposed to thieves and enemies; he has not enough bread to satiate his hunger, and he is forced to beg for it.  If a king gave him a million as gift, the poor man would change his lot, and would no longer make the impression of a poor beggar, but of a lord who possesses palaces, villas, and dresses with decency, has abundant foods, and puts himself in the condition of being able to help others.  Who changed the lot of this poor man?  The million he has received as gift.  Now, if some wretched money has the virtue of changing the lot of a poor unhappy one, much more will the great gift of Our Will, given as gift, change the unhappy lot of the human generations, except for those who, willfully, want to remain in their unhappiness.  More so, since this gift was given to man in the beginning of his creation, and, ungrateful, he rejected it from Us by doing his will, withdrawing from Our own.  Now, those who dispose themselves to do Our Will prepare the place, the decency, the nobility in which to be able to put this gift, so great and infinite.  Our knowledges on the Fiat will help and prepare them, in a surprising way, to receive this gift, and what they have not obtained up to this day they will be able to obtain tomorrow.  Therefore I am acting as a king would, who would want to elevate a family to a bond of relationship with his own royal family.  In order to do this, first he takes a member of it, keeps her in his royal palace, raises her, dines with her, accustoms her to his noble manners, entrusts to her his secrets, and in order to make her worthy of himself, he makes her live of his will; and to be more sure and not to let her descend to the lowness of her family, he gives her his will as gift, that she may hold it in her power.”