This morning, after He made we wait for some time, my adorable Jesus came, telling me: "My daughter, this morning I want to conform you completely to Myself. I want you to think with My own mind, look with My own eyes, listen with My own ears, speak with My own tongue, operate with My own hands, walk with My own feet, and love with My own Heart."
After this, Jesus united His senses, mentioned above, to mine, and I saw that He was giving me His own shape; not only this, but He gave me the grace to make use of it as He Himself did. Then He continued: "Great graces am I pouring in you – make sure you keep them well." And I: ‘I fear very much, O my beloved Jesus, in knowing myself all full of misery, that instead of doing good, I may make bad use of Your graces. But what I fear the most is my tongue that oftentimes makes me slip in charity toward my neighbor.’ And Jesus: "Do not fear, I Myself will teach you the way you must keep in speaking with your neighbor. First: when you are told something about your neighbor, cast a gaze upon yourself and observe whether you are guilty of that same defect, for in that case wanting to correct is wanting to make Me indignant and to scandalize your neighbor. Second: if you see yourself free of that defect, rise then, and try to speak as I would have; in this way you will speak with My own tongue. By doing so, you will never fail in charity with your neighbor; on the contrary, with your words, you will do good to yourself and to your neighbor — and to Me you will give honor and glory."