From the Calendar--August 13, 1933 Volume 32

I am always returning into the arms of the Divine Will; it seems that It yearns to have me always with Itself in order to give me Its continuous Life, and I yearn for It in order to receive It. Without It, I would feel the earth lacking under my feet, the heartbeat lacking in my heart, and I would suffer a tremendous hunger, without anything else that could give me even one crumb in order to satisfy my hunger. O! Divine Will, let us Live together if You want to make me happy and be able to find in me the Happiness of Your same Life.

But while my mind was lost in the Fiat, my beloved Jesus, making me His brief little visit to, told me: “My blessed daughter, I could say that it is a Delirium, a Divine Passion of My Will, that wants to Live together with the creature, ceding this in order to have the human littleness. But do you know why? You must know that My Divine Volition always has ready a New Act to give to the creature. But if she does not Live together with It, she does not accustom herself to doing her acts united with My Volition in order to form one alone, and It can not give it because first she would not be Worthy to receive it, and second because she would not understand the Value of the Great Gift that she receives, and she would not have the virtue of absorbing it into herself as her own Life.

“By Living together with My Divine Will she acquires New Life, Divine Ways, Celestial Science, penetration of the most Profound Things. In sum, as My Fiat is the Teacher of teachers, it is It who Creates the Highest Sciences, and makes things known not veiled, but as they really are. Therefore, Living together with the creature It does not want to keep her ignorant; It instructs her, It makes her Its Surprises, It recounts to her Its Divine Story, and this Transforms her and renders her capable of receiving Its New Act that My Volition wants to give her. And in every act that the soul does united with It, she acquires a New Prerogative of Divine Likeness. By Living together with My Volition the soul becomes refined, embellished, and in Our Creative Hands becomes like suitable canvas in the hands of the painter, that however more beautiful, more fine is the canvas, so much more beautiful becomes the image that He wants to paint on that canvas. It seems that his brushes and his colors acquire more art, are more skillful, even more because they make the colors come alive over such a very fine canvas. In fact, because it comes alive, the canvas changes in image and acquires such value as to render itself admired by who knows how many people.

“Now My Will is more than Divine Painter, and It never tires of giving New Beauty, Sanctity and New Science. And It remains waiting for an act done together with It in order to enrich it, in order to make Itself known even more, and to make use of Its Divine Brushes in order to elevate her to such Height and Rare Beauty, as to make her be admired by who knows how many generations, in a way that all will call her Beautiful. And one will feel Happy who has the Good of looking at her, at all the New Acts received by God in virtue of what she has worked in My Volition. They will extol her, and singing her praises they will make her known as the Most Beautiful Work of My Divine Fiat. Its wanting to abase Itself to Living with the creature, Its Divine Delirium, is a sign that It wants to do Great, and Worthy of Its Creative Power, things with her. Therefore Living together with My Fiat is the greatest fortune, and must be the delirium, the vehement passion and ambition of everyone.”