From the Calendar--August 16, 1899 Volume 2

Jesus continues to want me to act as His mother. He made Himself seen as a most gracious little baby, crying; and to calm His crying, holding Him in my arms, I began to sing. It so happened that when I would be singing, He would stop crying; when I wouldn’t, He would start crying again. I would rather have kept silent on what I was singing – first, because I don’t remember everything, since I was outside of myself, and one can hardly remember all the things that happen; and also because I believe it is nonsense. But lady obedience, who is too impertinent, does not want to give up, and it is enough that one does what she wants, for her to be content even with nonsense. I don’t know, they say that this lady obedience is blind, but to me it seems, rather, that she is all eyes, because she looks at the tiniest things, and when one does not do as she says, she becomes so impertinent as to give you no peace. And so now, to have peace from this beautiful lady obedience – because, then, she is so good when one does as she says, that whatever ones wants, through her, one obtains – I will say what I remember of my singing:

"Little Baby, You are little and strong from You I expect every comfort;
little Baby, gracious and beautiful, You enamor even the stars;
little Baby, steal my heart so as to fill it with your love;
little Baby, tender little one, make me a little baby too; little Baby, You are a Paradise,
O please! Let me come to delight in your eternal smile."