From the Calendar--August 25, 1921 Volume 13

Then He added: "Every time I speak to you about My Will and you acquire new understanding and knowledge, your act in My Will receives more value and you acquire more immense riches. It happens as to a man who possesses a gem, and knows that this gem is worth a penny: he is rich one penny. Now, it happens that he shows his gem to a skilled expert, who tells him that his gem has a value of five thousand liras. That man no longer possesses one penny, but he is rich five thousand liras. Now, after some time he has the opportunity to show his gem to another expert, even more experienced, who assures him that his gem contains the value of one hundred thousand liras, and is ready to buy it if he wants to sell. Now that man is rich one hundred thousand liras. According to his knowledge of the value of his gem, he becomes richer, and feels greater love and appreciation for the gem; he keeps it in custody more jealously, knowing that the gem is all his fortune, while before he held it as a trifle. Yet, the gem has not changed – that which it was, so it is now; he is the one who has changed, by understanding the value that the gem contains.

“Now, the same happens with My Will, as well as with virtues. According to how the soul understands their value and acquires knowledge of them, she comes to acquire new values and new riches in her acts. Therefore, the more you know My Will, the more your act will acquire value. Oh, if you knew what seas of graces I open between you and Me every time I speak to you about the effects of My Will, you would die of joy and would make feast, as if you had acquired new reigns to dominate!"