From the Calendar--August 28, 1938 Volume 36

“Now, from the creation of beings I went to the creation of Man. How much love in creating him. Our Divine Being poured love and, in creating him, Our love was flowing, Investing every fiber of his heart, every tiny little piece of his bones. Our love laid in his nerves; We made it also flow in his blood; We Invested his steps, motion, voice, heartbeat and each one of his love-thoughts. When Our love molded him it filled him so much that in every created thing, even in his breath, he had to give Us love, just as We loved him in everything. Then Our love reached the excess of breathing over him to leave him Our love breath. For completion and crowning We created Our image in his soul, providing it with memory, intelligence and will, remaining in him as Our bearer. Therefore man is united to Us as limbs, and We are within him as if in Our house. But, how much suffering We receive from him. Our love is not in force; Our image is there, but it is not recognized; Our house is full of enemies that offend Us. We can say that man changed Our destiny as well as his own. He turned upside-down Our designs for him, and he keeps causing pain to Our arm, which continues to love him and to give him life.

“My daughter, Our love wants to reach the greatest excesses; it wants to save Our arm, which is man, and put him back in order at any cost. We will be forced by Our love to breathe over him again; to cast away his enemies and Ours. We will cover him again with Our love, letting the life of Our majesty, sanctity, power and wisdom enter into Him. Having Our creature in this disorder that dishonors Us so much...O no! We will triumph in man, and the certain sign is that We are manifesting the wonders of Our will as well as how to live in It. If we didn't do so, Our power would be altered, as if We were incapable of saving Our work—Our very arm. This cannot be. It would be as if We were not able to do what We want. Ah no...No! Our love and Our Will will conquer and will triumph in everything.”