Now, while I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition in order to requite God in love for everything He had done in Creation for love of creatures, a thought was telling me that it was not necessary to do that; that this way of praying was not pleasing to my Jesus; that these are inventions of my mind. And my always lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, you must know that this way of praying – that is, to requite God in love for all the things created by Him – is a divine right, and it enters the first duty of the creature. The Creation was made for love of man; even more, Our love was so great that, had it been necessary, We would have created as many heavens, as many suns, stars, seas, earths, plants and all the rest, for as many creatures as were to come to the light of this world, so that each one of them might have a Creation for herself, a universe of her own. And, in fact, when everything was created, Adam was the only spectator of all Creation—he could enjoy all the good he wanted. And if We did not do so, it was because man could enjoy everything anyway, as if it were his own, even if others also might enjoy it. In fact, who cannot say, ‘The sun is mine,’ and enjoy the light of the sun as much as he wants? Or, ‘The water is mine,’ and quench his thirst and make use of it there where he needs it? Or, ‘The sea, the earth, the fire, the air, are my things,’ and so with many other things created by Me? And if it seems that man lacks something, that life suffers hardships, it is because of sin which, barring the way of My benefits, prevents the things created by Me from being abundant for the ungrateful creature.
So, given all this – that in all created things God bound His love toward each creature – hers was the duty to requite God with her little love, with her gratitude, with her ‘Thank You’ to the One who had done so much for her. Not requiting God in love for everything He has done for man in Creation, is the first fraud that the creature makes against God; it is to usurp His gifts without even recognizing where they come from, and the One who has loved her so much. Therefore, this is the first duty of the creature, and this duty is so indispensable and important, that She who took to heart all Our glory, Our defense, Our interest, did nothing but go around through all the spheres, from the smallest to the greatest thing created by God, in order to impress her requital of love, of glory, of thanksgiving, for all and in the name of all human generations. Ah! yes, it was precisely My Celestial Mama who filled Heaven and earth with the requital for everything that God had done in Creation. After Her came My Humanity, which fulfilled this duty so sacrosanct, in which the creature had so very much failed, and rendered My Celestial Father benevolent toward guilty man. So, these were My prayers, and those of My inseparable Mama. Don’t you want, then, to repeat My very prayers? Even more, this is why I have called you into My Will–that you may associate yourself with Us, and follow and repeat Our acts.”