After this, I continued my acts in the Divine Fiat, and feeling that I was not doing them well, I prayed my Celestial Mama to come to my help, that I might be able to follow that Supreme Volition which She had loved so much, and from which She recognized having received all Her glory and the height at which She finds Herself. But while I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, all the acts of My Queen Mother, done in My Will, are all in waiting, for they want the retinue of the acts of the creature done in It. So, in everything you do in My Volition, it is these acts that come to your help; even more, they line up around you to administer to you—some the light, some the grace, some the sanctity, and some the very act that you do, so as to have the retinue of these noble, holy and divine acts. These acts are the outpouring of God; and as He feeds them to the creature, she is filled so much that, unable to contain them, she pours them out again and gives her divine acts to her Creator. Therefore, they form the greatest glory which the creature can give to the One who created her. …”