I am always back in the Divine Volition. It seems to me that my little soul takes its flight within Its Light, to be consumed and lose my life in It. But—no! While I consume myself, I rise again to New Love, to New Light, to New Knowledge, to New Strength, to New Union with Jesus and with His Divine Will. O! Happy Resurrection that brings so much Good to my soul. It seems to me that my soul, in the Divine Will, is always in act of dying, to receive the True Life and form, little by little, the Resurrection of my will in Its Own.
Then, my highest Good, Jesus, visiting my little soul, told me: “My daughter, Our Will is the Prime Point and the unmovable and unshakable support of the creature. She is carried in the arms of Our Immensity, in such a way that inside and outside of her nothing vacillates, but everything is solidity and insurmountable strength. Therefore, We want nothing but Our Divine Will to be done, so as to find in the depth of her soul Our Divine Sacrarium, the Hearth that always burns and is never extinguished, the Light that forms the Divine and Perennial Day. And since Our Will, when It reigns in the creature, gets rid of all that is human, it happens, then, that from the center of her soul she gives Us Divine Acts, Divine Honors, Divine Prayers and Love that possess Invincible Strength and Insurmountable Love. So much so, that as you, in My Will, wanted to embrace all the works of those who are in Heaven, and of the creatures who are on earth, so that all might ask that the Divine Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, all the works remained marked by the Great Honor of asking that My Fiat be the Life of each creature, and that It may reign and dominate in them; and Our Divinity received the Greatest Honor—that all works would ask for the Life, the Kingdom of the Divine Will. No deed of Grace is conceded by Us if it is not signed by the golden Signature of Our Will; the doors of Heaven do not open but for one who wants to do Our Will; Our Paternal knees do not adapt to take into Our Arms, to let her rest in Our Loving Bosom, but one who comes as Daughter of Our Will. …”