From the Calendar--December 19, 1926 Volume 20

“And so, this is the reason why My Supreme Will calls you — awaits you in each created thing, to make known to you the riches that are in It, to make you repeat Its Divine acts together with It, and to give you the right of possession. You yourself become Its own property; you remain dissolved within Its immense riches and within Its very acts, and — oh! how the Divine Fiat enjoys making you the owner of Its immense riches. Its desire of constituting Its heiresses is so great, that It feels twice as happy when It sees one who knows Its possessions and makes Its Divine act her own; so much so, that even though It saw that man, by withdrawing from Its Will, lost his way to reach the possession of Its dominions, It did not stop, but in the excess of Its love and of Its long sorrow of seeing Its riches inactive for the good of creatures, as soon as the Eternal Word clothed Himself with human flesh, It constituted Itself life of each of His acts, so as to form more goods for them, powerful aids and effective remedies, more within the reach of decayed humanity, so as to realize the purpose of making them possess what was issued in Creation.

“There is nothing that comes from Us, that does not have this purpose — that the creature and everything return into Our Will. If it were not so, We would render Ourselves extraneous to Our own works. So, Creation, Redemption, My daughter, have the primary purpose that everything be Our Will, in Heaven and on earth; therefore, It flows everywhere, It is present in every place, to make everything Its own, and to give everything that belongs to It. Therefore, be attentive in following Our works; satisfy this desire, so insistent, of My Supreme Will, that wants those who possess Its goods.”