From the Calendar--December 22, 1926 Volume 20

I was thinking about the Supreme Fiat, and was praying my sweet Jesus to give me the grace, so great, of making me fulfill His Most Holy Will entirely and completely, and of making It known to the whole world, so that He might be reintegrated in the glory which creatures deny Him.  Now, while I was thinking of this and other things, sweet Jesus moved in my interior and told me:  “My daughter, what is the purpose for which you want My Will to be fulfilled in you and to be known by all?”  And I:  “I want it because You want it.  I want it, so that the divine order and Your Kingdom may be established on earth.  I want it, so that the human family may no longer live as estranged from You, but it may be bound once again to the Divine Family, from which it had its origin.”  And Jesus, sighing, added:  “My daughter, your purpose and Mine are one.  When a son has the same purpose as his father, he wants what his father wants, he never dwells in somebody else’s home, he works in the fields of his father, and if he finds himself with people, he speaks of the goodness, of the ingenuity, of the great purposes of his father.  It is said of this son that he loves his father, that he is the perfect copy of him, that it shows clearly from all sides that he belongs to that family, that he is a worthy son who carries within himself, with honor, the generation of his father.  

“Such are the signs that one belongs to the Celestial Family—to have the same purpose as Mine, to want My same Will, to dwell in It as in one’s own home, to work in order to make It known. …”