Then, after this, at night, I was thinking about the act in which the sweet little Baby came out of the maternal womb to be born into our midst. My poor mind wandered within a mystery so profound and all love; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, stretched out His little hands to embrace me, and said to me: “My daughter, the act of My birth was the most solemn act of the whole Creation. Heaven and earth felt plunged into the most profound adoration at the sight of My little Humanity, which kept My Divinity as though enclosed within walls. So, in the act of My birth, there was an act of silence and of profound adoration and prayer: My Mama prayed, and remained enraptured by the power of the prodigy which was coming out of Her; Saint Joseph prayed; the Angels prayed; and all Creation felt the strength of the love of My creative power being renewed upon them. All felt honored and received true honor, because the One who had created them would make use of them for what was needed for His Humanity. The sun felt honored, in having to give its light and heat to its Creator; it recognized the One who had created it—its true Lord, and made feast for Him and paid Him honor by giving Him its light. The earth felt honored, when it felt Me lying in a manger; it felt touched by My tender limbs, and exulted with joy with prodigious signs. All Creation saw their true King and Lord in their midst; and feeling honored, each one wanted to perform its office for Me: the water wanted to quench My thirst; the birds, with their trills and warblings, wanted to cheer Me; the wind wanted to caress Me; the air wanted to kiss Me—all wanted to pay Me their innocent tribute. Only men, ungrateful, even though all felt something unusual within themselves—a joy, a powerful strength—were reluctant; and suffocating everything, they did not move. And even though I called them with tears, with moans and sobs, they did not move, except for some few shepherds. Yet, it was for man that I was coming upon earth! I was coming to give Myself to him, to save him, and to bring him back to My Celestial Fatherland. Therefore, I was all eyes to see whether he would come before Me in order to receive the great gift of My divine and human Life. So, the Incarnation was nothing less than placing Myself at the mercy of the creature. In the Incarnation I placed Myself at the mercy of My dear Mama; as I was born, Saint Joseph too was added, to whom I gave the gift of My Life. And since my works are eternal and not subject to ending, this Divinity, this Word who descended from Heaven, never withdrew from the earth, so as to have the occasion to give Himself continuously to all creatures. As long as I lived, I gave Myself in an unveiled manner; then, a few hours before dying, I made the great prodigy of leaving Myself in the Sacrament, so that, whoever wanted Me, could receive the great gift of My Life. I paid no attention either to the offenses they would give Me, or to their refusals to receive Me. I said to Myself: ‘I have given Myself—I do not want to withdraw, ever. Let them do to Me whatever they want—I will always be theirs, and at their disposal’.”