… After this, I continued my acts in the Eternal Volition, and sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, My Will is the soul, and all Creation is the body for It. And just as the soul is one in the body—one is its will—while the body has many different senses, and like many different keys, each one of them performs its own little sonata, and each member exercises its distinct office; however, there is such order and harmony among them, that when one member exercises its office, all the other members are all intent on the operating member; and they suffer together, if that member suffers, and they enjoy, if it enjoys, because one is the will that moves them, one is the strength that they possess; such is the whole Creation: It is like a body animated by My Will, and even though each created thing does its distinct office, they are so united among themselves as to be more than members to the body. Since it is My Will alone that animates them and dominates them, one is the strength that they possess.
“Now, one who does My Will and lives in It, is a member that belongs to the body of Creation, and therefore she possesses the universal strength of all created things, excluding not even that of her Creator, because My Will circulates in the veins of all Creation as more than blood within the body—a blood that is pure, holy, vivified with light, and that reaches the point of spiritualizing the body itself. The soul is all intent on all Creation, to do what It does, to be in communication with all of Its acts; and all Creation is intent on her, to receive her acts, because the office, the little sonata, of this member in the midst of It is so beautiful, that all are intent on listening to her. Therefore, the living in My Will is the most happy and indescribable destiny: her acts, her point of origin, are always toward Heaven; her life is in the midst of the spheres.”