… after a little while He came back, inside a little cradle of gold, clothed with a tiny little garment of light. And He added: “My daughter, today is My birthday, and I have come to render you happy with My presence. It would be too hard for Me, on this day, not to render one who lives in My Divine Will happy, not to give you My first kiss and tell you ‘I love you’ as a requital of yours, and, clasping you tightly to My little Heart, make you feel My heartbeats that unleash fire, and would want to burn everything which does not belong to My Will, while your heartbeat, echoing within Mine, repeats for Me your pleasant refrain: ‘May Your Will reign on earth as It does in Heaven.’ Repeat it always, if you want to render Me happy and calm my baby crying. Look—your love has prepared for Me the gold cradle, and the acts in My Divine Will have prepared for Me the little garment of light. Aren’t you happy?”