I was feeling very afflicted, and with such an oppression as to feel myself dying, because of certain things which it is not necessary to write here. Now, my sweet Jesus, on coming, took me in His arms in order to sustain me and give me strength; and then, all sweetness and goodness, told me: “My daughter, what’s wrong? what’s wrong? You oppress yourself too much, and I do not want this.” And I: “My Jesus, help me, do not abandon me in so much bitterness. And what oppresses me the most is that I feel a volition arise in me, which would want to say to You: ‘This time You will do my will—not I Yours.’ The mere thought of this gives me death. Oh! how true it is that Your Will is life. But the circumstances push me. O please! help me.” And I burst into tears. And Jesus, letting His hands be wet by my tears and squeezing me more, added: “My daughter, courage, do not fear—I am all for you. See how beautiful My hands are, pearled with the tears of one who fears not doing My Will. Not one of them fell to the ground. Now listen and calm yourself: I will do what you want, but not because you want it; rather, as if I Myself wanted it. Aren’t you happy? …”