After this, I continued thinking about the Divine Will, bearer of so much good; and my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, my love for one who lets My Divine Fiat reign and dominate is so great, that for each act she does in It, the Divinity surrenders a divine right to the soul—that is, a right of sanctity, of light, of grace, of happiness; and with these rights It binds the soul and renders her the possessor of divine goods. So, each additional act done in My Divine Volition is a signature that is executed by your Creator, as if He were writing for you the deed to render you the owner of his happiness, of His light, His sanctity and grace. It happens as when a rich man loves a poor lady, who never goes out of his house; and if she goes out, it is only to visit the properties of her lord, to bring to her lord the fruits of his farms, so as to render him happy with his very goods. The rich man looks at the poor lady, he becomes fond of her; he sees her happy in his house, but in order to be sure of her happiness, he writes a public deed of donation of his goods to the poor one who has wounded his heart, who remains always in his house, and uses his very goods to make her beloved lord happy. So it is for one who lives in Our Divine Will. She lives in Our house, she uses Our goods to glorify Us and make Us happy; the disparity between her and Us would cause Us pain, it would weigh upon Our paternal Heart; but since no pains or unhappinesses can enter Our Divine Volition, We act with magnanimity: at each act of hers We place Our signature, writing the deed of donation of Our goods to make her happy and rich of Our very happiness. This is why I repeat to you often: ‘Be attentive, my daughter, let nothing escape you’—because each of your acts in Our Will is signatures that circulate—and divine signatures, with which it is assured that the Divine Will is yours, and that you belong to It. Divine bonds never fail—they are eternal bonds.”