From the Calendar--February 21, 1927 Volume 20

[Jesus speaking] “Now, My daughter, the reason for which We issued the Creation and created man was to give Our riches, so that the external glory of Our works may unite to the internal glory and the immense happiness which We possess.  So, since the creature is not in Our Will, We feel her far away from Us; there is no one who surrounds Us with her ‘thank You,’ nor anyone who smiles at Us with delight for Our works.  Everything is isolation; We are surrounded by immense riches, but because Our creatures are far away from Us, We have no one to whom to give them; We have no one who admires Our works in order to enjoy them.  We are happy, but because of Ourselves, nor is there anyone who could slightly disturb Our happiness; but We are forced to see the unhappiness of creatures, because, being disunited from Us, they cannot take and We cannot give.  The human will has formed the fences, and has locked the doors of communication.  To give is liberality, heroism, love—to receive is grace; and the creature, by doing her own will, hinders Our liberality, Our heroism, Our Love.  And if something is given, it is always restricted, and given by dint of strains, of intrigues, because since the order between them and Us is missing, things do not run freely.  We are not capable of sorrow—Our Being is untouchable by all evils; but if We were capable of sorrow, the creature would poison Our existence.  This is, then, the reason for all Our interest in wanting to make Our Will known, and that It reign in the midst of creatures:  We want to give, We want to see them happy of Our own happiness; and Our Will alone can do all this—realizing the purpose of Creation and allowing Us to place Our goods in common.”

Oh Will of God, how admirable, powerful and desirable You are.  O please! with Your empire, conquer all, make Yourself known, and make us all surrender to You.