I was thinking about the Holy Divine Will, and praying to my adorable Jesus that, by His goodness, He would give me the grace to fulfill His Most Holy Will in everything. And I said: “You who love and want that Your Will be done, help me, assist me, and feed me Your Will in every instant, so that nothing else may have life in me."
Now, while I was praying, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, and squeezing me tightly to Himself, told me: "My daughter, how My Heart is wounded by the prayer of one who seeks only my Will! I hear the echo of My prayer, which I did when I was upon earth. All my prayers were reduced to one single point – that the Will of My Father be perfectly fulfilled, both upon Me and upon all creatures. This was the greatest honor for Me and for the Celestial Father: to do His Most Holy Will in everything.
“By doing the Will of the Eternal One, always and in everything, My Humanity opened the ways between the human will and the Divine, which had been closed by the creature through sin. You must know that, in creating man, the Divinity formed many channels of communication between the Creator and the creature. The three powers of the soul were channels: the intelligence, a channel in order to comprehend My Will; the memory, a channel in order to remember It continuously; and the Will, in the middle of these two channels, formed the third channel in order to fly into the Will of her Creator. The intelligence and the memory were the support, the defense, the strength, of the channel of the will, that it might not stagger, either to the right or to the left. Channel was the eye, that she might look at the beauties and the riches contained in My Will; channel, the hearing, that she might hear the calls, the harmonies, contained in It; channel, the word, in which she might receive the continuous outpouring of My word ‘FIAT,’ and the goods which My FIAT contains; channel, the hands, so that man, in raising them while working, might reach, in My Will, the purpose of unifying his works with the works of his Creator; channel, the feet, to follow the steps of My Will; channel, the heart, the desires, the affections, to be filled with the Love of My Will, and to rest in It. See, then, how many channels there are in the creature in order to come into My Will, if she wanted to.
“All channels were opened between God and man, and by virtue of Our Will, Our goods were his. And this, with justice, because he was Our son, Our image, a work which came from Our hands, and from the ardent breath of Our womb. But the human will, rebellious, did not want to enjoy the rights of the goods We gave it. Not wanting to do Our Will, man did his own; and by doing his own, he put bars and gates through these channels; he constrained himself within the miserable circle of his will; he lost Ours and went wandering in the exile of his passions, of his weaknesses, under a tenebrous sky, loaded with thunders and with storms. Poor child, in the midst of so many evils, wanted by himself! Therefore, every act of human will is a bar that he places before Mine; it is a gate he forms, to prevent the union of our wills; and the communication of goods between Heaven and earth is interrupted. …”