After going through several days of privation—at most, He came a few times like a shadow, and He ran away—I felt such pain that I consumed myself with tears. Having compassion for my sorrow, blessed Jesus came, and He looked and looked at me again; and then He said to me: “My daughter, do not fear for I do not leave you. However, when you are without My presence I do not want you to lose heart, but rather, from today on, when you are without Me, I want you to take My Will and to delight in It, loving Me and glorifying Me in My Will, and holding My Will as if It were My very Person. By doing so, you will hold Me in your own hands. What forms the beatitude of Paradise? Certainly My Divinity. Now, what would form the beatitude of My dear ones on earth? With certainty, My Will. My Will can never escape you; you will always have It in your possession, and if you remain in the circle of My Will, there you will experience the joys most ineffable and the pleasures most pure. By never going out of the circle of My Will, the soul becomes noble, divinized, and all of her operations reverberate in the center of the Divine Sun, just as the sun’s rays reverberate on the surface of the earth—not one of them goes out of their center, which is God. The soul who does My Will is alone the noble queen who nourishes herself from My breath, because she takes her food and her drink from no place but My Will, and by nourishing herself of My Will all Holy, a most pure blood will flow in her veins, and her breath will spread a fragrant perfume, which will cheer the whole of Me, because it is produced by My very breath. Therefore, I want nothing else from you but that you form your beatitude in the circle of My Will, without ever going out of It, not even for a brief instant.”