From the Calendar--February 26, 1927 Volume 21

“Now, My daughter, My Will makes Its exposition in the sun; and just as My Will has the veils of the Host that conceal My Life, so does It have the veils of the light that conceal It in the sun. Yet, who makes a genuflection, who sends a kiss of adoration, who says a ‘thank You’ to My Will exposed in the sun? No one. What ingratitude! And yet, in spite of this, It does not stop; It is always stable in doing good. Within Its veils of light, It follows the steps of man, It invests his actions; whatever path he may take, Its light makes Itself found in front of him and behind him, carrying him as though in triumph within Its womb of light in order to do good to him—disposed to do good to him and to give him light, even if he did not want It.

“Oh! Will of Mine, how invincible, lovable, admirable You are—immutable in good, untiring, without ever drawing back. See the great difference between the exposition of the Eucharist and what My Will Itself makes, in a continuous act, in created things: in that of the Eucharist, man must put himself out, he has to go himself, draw near It, and dispose himself to receive the good; otherwise he receives nothing. On the other hand, in the exposition of My Will in created things, it is My Will that goes to man, that puts Itself out; and even if he is not disposed, My Will gives in abundance, and drowns him with Its Goods. Yet, there is no one who adores My Eternal Will in Its many expositions.

“It makes Its exposition in the sea; and while, in the sun, symbol of the Eucharist, It gives Its light, Its heat, It gives innumerable goods—but always in silence: It never says a word, It never gives a reproach, no matter how many horrendous evils It may see—in the sea instead, in the veils of the water, It makes Its exposition in a different way. It seems to speak while forming Its murmuring within the veils of the water; It strikes fear in its tumultuous billows and in the roaring waves; such that, if It invests ships and people, It buries them in the depth of the sea, and no one can resist it. My Will in the sea makes the exposition of Its power, and speaks in the murmuring; It speaks in the billows, It speaks in the gigantic waves, calling man to love It and to fear It. And in seeing Itself not listened to, It makes the exposition of Divine Justice, and changing those veils into storm, It hurls Itself at man, inexorably.

“Oh! if creatures paid attention to all the expositions that My Will makes in the whole Creation, they should remain always in act of adoration—to adore My Will exposed in the flowery fields, in which It spreads Its fragrances; in the trees loaded with fruits, in which It spreads the variety of Its sweetnesses. There is not one created thing in which It does not make Its Divine and special exposition; and since creatures do not pay to It the due honors, it is your task to maintain the perpetual adoration of the expositions that the Supreme Fiat makes in the whole Creation. You, My daughter, are she who offers herself as the perpetual adorer of this Will with no adorer and no requital of love on the part of creatures.”