This morning, after I had received Communion, I heard in my interior my always lovable Jesus saying: “Oh! iniquitous world, you are doing everything you can to cast Me away from the face of the earth, to banish Me from society, from schools, from conversations—from everything. You are plotting how to demolish temples and altars, how to destroy My Church and kill the ministers; and I am preparing for you an Era of Love—the Era of My Third Fiat. You will follow your way in order to banish Me, and I will confound you by means of love. I will follow you from behind, I will come toward you from the front so as to confound you in love; and there where you have banished Me, I will raise My throne, and will reign more than before—but in a more astounding way; so much so, that you yourself will fall at the foot of My throne, as though bound by the strength of My love.”
Then He added: “Ah! My daughter, the creature rages ever more in evil. How many machinations of ruin they are preparing —hey will reach such point as to exhaust evil itself. But while they occupy themselves with following their way, I will occupy Myself so that My Fiat Voluntas Tua may have Its completion and fulfillment, and My Will may reign upon the earth—but in a completely new way. I will occupy Myself with preparing the Era of the Third Fiat in which My love will show off in a marvelous and unheard-of way. Ah! yes, I want to confound man completely in love. Therefore, be attentive—I want you with Me, in preparing this Era of Love, Celestial and Divine. We will hold each other’s hand, and will work together.” Then He drew close to my mouth, and as He sent His omnipotent breath into it, I felt new life being infused in me; and He disappeared.