From the Calendar--January 1, 1929 Volume 25

[Jesus speaking] “Do you want to know what I would like as gift on this day? All your acts that you have done in My Will during this year. These acts will be as many suns that you will place around Me, and I—oh! how content I will be in seeing that the little daughter of My Divine Volition has given Me the many suns of her acts as gift; and I, in return, will give you the grace to double these suns of your acts done in My Will, to give you the field to be able to offer Me a gift yet more beautiful and rich.”

Then He added: “My daughter, each manifestation I have given you about My Divine Will is like a page of your life; and if you knew how many goods these pages enclose.... Each of them is a current between Heaven and earth; it is one more sun that will shine over the heads of all. These pages will be the heralds of the Celestial Fatherland; they are steps that My Divine Volition takes in order to draw near the creatures. Therefore, these manifestations about It, like pages of life, will form an epoch for the future generations, in which they will read the Kingdom of My Fiat, the many steps It took to come into their midst, and the new rights It gave them to make them enter again into Its Kingdom.

“My manifestations are decrees, and only when I want to give that good that I manifest, then do I move to manifest a knowledge. Therefore, everything I have told you about My Divine Will are Divine capitals that I issued; therefore, they will be the most beautiful pages of your life, that will enclose the long history of My Will, and braiding the history of the world, will form the most beautiful epoch of all centuries.”