Then [Jesus] added: “The first ‘yes’ in My Fiat I asked of My dear Mama, and—oh! power of Her Fiat in My Will—as soon as the Divine Fiat met with the Fiat of My Mama, the two became one. My Fiat raised Her, divinized Her, overshadowed Her, and without human intervention, She conceived Me, Son of God. Only in My Fiat could She conceive Me; My Fiat communicated to Her the immensity, the infinity, the fecundity, in a divine manner, and this is why the Immense, the Eternal, the Infinite One could be conceived in Her. As soon as She said ‘Fiat Mihi’, not only did She take possession of Me, but She overshadowed all creatures, all created things together. She felt all the lives of creatures within Herself, and from that moment She began to act as Mother and Queen of all. How many portents does this ‘yes’ of My Mama not contain—if I wanted to tell them all, you would never finish hearing them.
“Now, a second ‘yes’ in My Will I asked of you; and you, though trembling, pronounced it. This ‘yes’ in My Volition will have its portents, it will have a divine fulfillment. You—follow Me, and sink deeper into the immense sea of My Will, and I will take care of everything. My Mama did not think about how I would get to conceive Myself in Her; She only said ‘Fiat Mihi,’ and I took care of the way in which to be conceived. So you will do.”