From the Calendar--January 12, 1932 Volume 30

After this I felt more than usual all immersed in the Divine Fiat, and My Sovereign Jesus added: “My daughter, when My Divine Will works in the soul, It is immediately known. As It works It extends in the human being Gentleness, Sweetness, Peace, Fortitude, Firmness. Before that Work, It blows and imprints there Its Omnipotent Fiat that extends Its Heaven around the Work that It wants to do. It seems that without Its Heaven, My Will does not know how to work. And while It works, It makes Its sweet, harmonious Echo resound in the Three Divine Persons, calling Them to be acquainted with what It is doing in the soul, because one being the Will of what It was working in her, with that of the Divine Persons, it happens that what It does in the Divine Persons, It makes Its powerful Echo resound in the creature. And in this Echo It brings her admirable Secrets, ineffable Sweetnesses, the inseparable Love of how the Divine Persons love, the sweet Accord between Themselves.

“This Echo is the bearer of the most intimate things of the Supreme Being into the creature. Where My Will is operating, the Echo of the one fuses into the other. That from above makes itself Divine Revealer; that from below, resounding in God, has the virtue of powerfully speaking with Divine Ways, for the good of creatures, and about the same love that They want from them. My Will with Its Power forms the sweet chains, and identifies and transforms God and the creature in a way that God feels remade in the creature, and she feels remade in God. O! My Will, how very admirable and powerful You are! Your sweet chains extend and bind God and creatures, so that all return to Me into My Divine Bosom.”