My abandonment in the Fiat continues, and carrying on my round in Its works, I was feeling all surrounded by them, and each of them was waiting for me to recognize them as works of my Creator, so as to bind ourselves together with inseparable bonds. It seemed to me that the Divine Will, with Its light, flowed in all Creation as our blood flows in the body; and so It also flowed in all the acts, words, steps, pains and tears of Jesus; and I went in search of everything as my own things, to love them and recognize them as things that belong to me. But while I was doing this, my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Will is in communication with all things created by Us, because My Will is of all and belongs to all. Since one is the Will that dominates and operates, all things are to It like members to the body, whose Head is God, who has such bond with all things—because Our Divine Volition flows as prime act of life—that they are inseparable from Him. Only the human will, if it wants to operate on its own, without the union of Ours, can break this beautiful union, this bond of inseparability among God, created things, and creatures. Therefore, My Divine Will is the bearer to the creature of all Our acts done in Creation and in Redemption; It is the revealer of Our secrets. Since Our Will is one with the creature who lives in It, how can It hide? And I, My daughter—how bad I would feel if I did not render you aware of My tears, of My inmost pains, and of what I did while I was on earth. And in My sorrow I would say: ‘Not even the little daughter of My Will knows everything I have done and suffered so as to receive the requital, even of her little repeated ‘“ love You,” and give her the gift of what belongs to Me.’
“Therefore, each thing you know of Me and you love as your own, I give to you as a gift; and making feast, I say: ‘I have always something to give to My daughter, and she has always something to receive; therefore we shall always be together, because we are occupied in the exchange we make—I, in giving, and she, in receiving’.”