From the Calendar--January 20, 1907 Volume 7

Having read the lives of two female Saints – one who aspired so much to suffering, and the other who aspired so much to be little – I was thinking in my interior about which one of the two it would be better to imitate, and unable to make up my mind, I felt as though hampered. So, in order to be free and to think only about loving Him, I said to myself: “I want to aspire to nothing but to love Him and to fulfill His Holy Will perfectly.”

At that moment, the Lord told me in my interior: "And it is here that I want you – in My Will. Until the grain of wheat is buried in the earth and dies completely, it cannot rise again to new life and multiply itself, giving life to other grains. In the same way, until the soul is buried in My Will, to the point of dying completely by dissolving all of her will within Mine, she cannot rise again to new Divine Life through the rising of all the virtues of Christ, which contain true Sanctity. Therefore, let My Will be the seal which seals your interior and exterior; and once My Will has risen completely within you, you will find true love – and this is the greatest of all the other sanctities to which one can aspire.”