Now, while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior, leaned His head upon my shoulder, and sustained me with His arms to give me strength, for I was so exhausted that I felt myself dying. And, all goodness, He said to me: “My daughter, do you not know that there is a communion which is eternal, so great, and not subject to either diminishing or being consumed? Its veils, which hide it in the midst of creatures, are not subject to perishing like the veils of the Sacramental Host. It gives itself in every instant, at each breath, at each heartbeat and in all circumstances. Even more, one must be always with one’s mouth open to be able to receive them all—that is, with the will of always wanting to receive this communion so great and continuous which, as much as it gives itself, it is not subject to either diminishing or being consumed. Otherwise, many times they remain outside of the soul, without entering into her.
“You have already understood what this communion so great and continuous is: It is My Divine Fiat, which flows as life within your soul; as heat to fecundate you and to make you grow; as food to nourish you. It flows in the blood of your veins, in the beating of your heart—in everything; It is always in the act of giving Itself to you, if you just want to receive It. It would drown you with communions, so many It wants to give you. With reason, with justice and by right, the communion of My Will was to be without limits and not subject to being consumed, because It is origin, means and end of the creature, and therefore she was to be able to receive It, in such a way that It could never—never be lacking to her. In fact, something that is origin, means and end must be in continuous act of giving itself, and of being received. If it were not so, her origin of living and the means to sustain herself would be lacking for the poor creature; and she would lose the end that she must reach. Therefore, My infinite Wisdom could never allow that the communion of My Will be limited for them. …”