From the Calendar--January 22, 1928 Volume 23

And blessed Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, if you knew who it is that pushes you, that makes you insist so much, that would want to move everything in you to call the life—the Kingdom of My Will upon earth, you would be amazed.”

And I: “Tell me, my Love, who is it?”

And He, all tenderness, added: “Do you want to know? It is My Will Itself that pushes you to this, because It wants to make Itself known, It wants to reign, but It wants the insistence of Its little daughter who, pressing It in every way and moving everything, would call It with everyone, with the most powerful means, to come upon earth. Your insistences are the sign and the image of Its yearnings and of Its infinite cares and insistences for It wants to give Itself to creatures; and just as you want to move everything, so would It want to move everything—the sea, the sun, the heavens, the wind, the earth—so that all might move the creatures to recognize It, to receive It, to love It.

“And as soon as It sees Itself desired, It will tear the veils of all created things, and, like Queen and Mother longing for Her children, It will come out of their bosoms, in which It was hidden, and revealing Itself, It will embrace Its children and will reign in their midst, giving them goods, peace, sanctity and happiness.”