From the Calendar--January 28, 1926 Volume 18

On hearing this, I said to myself: “Jesus, my Love, if You love so much that Your Will operate in the creature as in the act in which You created her – as if there had been no fracture between Your Will and that of the creature – why, in coming upon earth to redeem us, did You not give us this great good - that Your Will, triumphant of everything, would place us in the order of Creation, just as we came out of the hands of our Celestial Father?” And Jesus, coming out from my interior, pressed me all to His Heart, and with unspeakable tenderness, told me: “My daughter, the primary purpose of My coming upon earth was indeed this one – that man would return into the womb of My Will, as he came out of it when he was created. But in order to do this, I had to form, by means of My Humanity, the root, the trunk, the branches, the leaves, the flowers, from which the celestial fruits of mM Will were to come out. No one can have the fruit without the tree. This tree was watered by My Blood; it was cultivated by My pains, by My sighs and tears; the sun which shone upon it was the Sun of My Will alone. Therefore, the fruits of My Will will certainly come, but in order to desire the fruits, one must know how precious they are, the good which they bring, the riches they produce. Here is the reason, then, for the many manifestations of My Will which I have made to you. In fact, knowledge will bring the desire to eat it; and once they have enjoyed what it means to live only to do My Will, if not all, at least part of them will return to the path of My Volition. The two wills will exchange the perennial kiss; there will be no more dispute between the human will and that of the Creator; and after the many fruits It has given, My Redemption will give also the fruit of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven. Therefore, you, be the first one to take this fruit, and want no other food, nor any other life but My Will alone.”