From the Calendar--January 8, 1919 Volume 12

Continuing in my usual state, I was all afflicted, deprived of my sweet Jesus. But all of a sudden He came, though tired and distressed, almost searching for a refuge inside my heart, to extract Himself from the grave offenses which He received. Heaving a sigh, He told me: "My daughter, hide Me; don’t you see how they persecute Me? Alas!, they want to put Me out, or give Me the last place. Let Me pour Myself out; it has been many days since I spoke to you about the destiny of the world, and the chastisements which they pull from Me with their evils. This pain is all concentrated in My Heart. I want to tell you about it to make you take part in it; so we will share the destiny of creatures, in order to pray, suffer and cry together for their good.

“Ah! My daughter, there will be fights among them. Death will claim many lives, including priests. Oh, how many masks dressed as priests! I want to remove them before the rising of the persecution against My Church, and of revolutions. Who knows if they might convert at the moment of death. Otherwise, if I leave them there, during the persecution these masks will remove their mask, will unite with the sectarians, will be the fiercest enemies of the Church, and their salvation will be more difficult."

All afflicted, I said: “Ah, my Jesus, what pain it is to hear You speak about these blessed chastisements! And the peoples? How will they do without priests? They are already few enough -- and You want to take away more of them? Who will administer the sacraments? Who will teach your laws?” And Jesus: "My daughter, do not afflict yourself too much. The scarce number is nothing. I will give to one the grace and the strength that I give to ten, to twenty; and one will be worth ten, or twenty of them. I can compensate for everything. And then, the many priests who are not good, are the poison of the peoples; instead of good, they do evil, so I will do nothing other than remove the prime elements who poison the peoples."