Then He kept silent, and after a little while He added: “My daughter, the human will has produced so much evil as to form the unhappy state of the poor creature; it changed her lot, her fortune. Since I am happy by My own nature, everything that came out of Our creative hands in Creation, came out with the fullness of happiness; therefore, everywhere, inside and outside of man, flowed perennial joy and happiness. The human will drove this sea of true and perpetual happiness out of itself, which, driven out, took refuge in the womb of its Creator, who had issued it so that all of His works might be happy.
“And even though We are happy by Our nature, and no one can shade Our Happiness, We are forced to see man unhappy, to whom primacy in Creation had been given; and to see Our children unhappy, to see that the sea of Our Happiness is not enjoyed by the one who was the owner of it, even though it causes no harm to Us, is always a sorrow.
“Now, one who lives in My Divine Will calls this sea of Happiness again into herself; she removes from Us the sight of the unhappiness in the poor creatures, and she makes Us twice as happy, because We see that Our Happiness takes its way toward Our children. Therefore, My Divine Will will put all things in place and will take away the unhappiness produced by the human will that, with its poisonous slobber, knows how to embitter everything and make everything turbid.
“How beautiful it is to see everyone happy! What a consolation for a father to have and see the crown of his children—all happy, rich, healthy, beautiful, always smiling, never crying. Oh! how he enjoys, and feels himself swimming in his own happiness, and of his children. I am more than a father, and I feel within Me the happiness of My children, because it is My own thing and it can enter into Me; while unhappiness is something extraneous to Me, that does not belong to Me and does not have the way to enter into Me. I feel the sorrow of seeing it, but not of feeling it, and, as Father, I love and want everyone to be happy.”