Then He added: “My daughter, in creating man, I infused the soul in him with My breath, wanting to infuse in him the most intimate part of Our interior — Our Will, which brought to him, all together, all the particles of Our Divinity which man, as creature, could contain, to the extent of making of him Our image. But man, ungrateful, wanted to break the union with Our Will, and even though he kept the soul, the human will, which took the place of the Divine, obscured him, infected him, and rendered inactive all the divine particles, to the extent of dishonoring him completely and of disguising him. Now, since I want to dispose him again to receive this Will of Mine, it is necessary that I breathe on him again, so that My breath may put to flight darkness and infections, and may render active the infusion of Our Will which We made in creating him.
“Oh, how I wish to see him beautiful, restored, just as I created him! And My Will alone can work this great prodigy. This is why I want to breathe on you — so that you may receive this great good: that My Will reign in you and give you back all the goods and the rights which It gave man in his creation.” And as He was saying this, coming near me, He breathed on me, He looked at me, He squeezed me to Himself; and then He disappeared.