From the Calendar--July 18, 2916 Volume 19

My poor mind was thinking about what is written above, and my sweet Jesus continued on the same topic, telling me: “My daughter, see then, the necessity for Me not to give the Kingdom of My Will and not to make It known when I came upon earth. I wanted to test the creature once again; I wanted to give her things inferior to those which I gave her in creation — remedies and goods to heal her. In fact, when I created man he was not ill, but healthy and holy, therefore he could very well live in the Kingdom of My Will. But as he withdrew from the Supreme Volition, he fell ill, and I came upon earth as the Celestial Doctor to see whether he would accept the remedies, the medicines for his illness; and after this test, then would I give him the surprise of manifesting the Kingdom of My Will, which I kept in My Humanity, prepared for him. Those who think that Our highest goodness and infinite wisdom would have left man with only the goods of Redemption, without raising him again to the original state in which he was created by Us, deceive themselves. In that case Our creation would have remained without its purpose, and therefore without its full effect, which cannot be in the works of a God. At the most, We might let centuries pass and turn, giving now one surprise, now another; entrusting now one little good to the creature, now a greater one. We will act like a father who wants to give his property to his children, but these children have wasted much of the goods of their father. In spite of this, he is determined to give his property to his children, so he thinks of another device: he no longer gives large amounts to his children, but a little bit at a time, lira by lira; and as he sees that his children preserve that little, he keeps increasing the small amounts. Through this, they come to recognize the love of the father and to appreciate the goods he entrusts to them, which they would not do before, when they had large amounts. This serves to strengthen them and to teach them how to preserve the goods received. So, once he has trained them, the father confirms his decision and gives his property to his children. …”