I was abandoning all of myself in the Holy Divine Will according to my usual way, and my sweet Jesus made Himself seen coming toward me in order to receive me in His Most Holy Will; and He told me: "My daughter, My Will is in continuous encounter with the will of the creature; and as the human will encounters Mine, it receives the Light, the Sanctity, the Strength, which My Will contains. My Will is in continuous act of giving Itself to the creature in order to give her the life of Heaven in advance. If she receives Me, she remains with this Celestial Life; but if in every act she does, she does not receive this Supreme Volition, which is all intent, for her good, on making her happy, strong, holy, divine, and as though transformed into a dawn of celestial light, she remains with her human will alone, which renders her weak, miserable, muddy, and surrounds her with passions so vile as to move to pity.
“Don’t you see how many souls drag themselves because of their weakness in being unable to conquer themselves to do good? Others, which are unable to dominate themselves; others, inconstant like reeds in the wind; others, unable to pray without a thousand distractions; others, always discontent; and others, who seem to be born to do evil. These are all souls who do not encounter My Will in all their things. Yet, My Will is for all; but since they run away from It, they do not receive the good which My Will contains. This is a just pain for those who want to live involving themselves in all miseries.
“However, this Will of Mine, which they did not want to encounter during their life, to receive as many goods for as many times as they would meet It, they will encounter It at their death, receiving as many pains for as many times as they escaped It, because by escaping It, they have become guilty, stained and covered with mud. So it is right that they receive a pain; and as many painful encounters form for them, for as many times as they did not encounter My Will upon earth. But these painful encounters will be without merits, without new gains, as it would have happened, had they encountered It during their life... Oh, how many moans of sorrows come from the prisons of Purgatory, how many shouts of desperation can be heard from hell, because My Will was not encountered upon earth!
“Therefore, My daughter, may your first act be to encounter My Will; may your first thought and heartbeat be to encounter the Eternal heartbeat of My Will, that you may receive all My Love.
“Try to make continuous encounters in everything, that you may be transformed in My Will and I in yours, in order to dispose you to make the last encounter with My Will at your last hour. In this way, you will have no painful encounters after your death."