From the Calendar--July 23, 1926 Volume 19

[Jesus speaking] “Now, the multiplicity of the things I have made known to you serves to show what this Divine Will is, how there is nothing more important, more holy, more immense, more powerful, more beneficial and which has the virtue of giving more life than It does.  All other things, as good and holy as they may be, are always in the secondary order; It alone has always the first place, and wherever It is not present, there cannot be life.

“So, the many knowledges about My Will will serve My Will Itself as glory and triumph, and will serve the creatures as path to find life and to receive it.  The height and immensity of My Will will serve creatures so as to never let them stop, but always move forward in order to reach It as much as they can; and the multiplicity of these knowledges will serve the freedom of each one to take what they want.  In fact, each knowledge contains Life; if the veil of each knowledge is broken, they will find in it, as queen, the Life of My Will.  The more they take and do, the more the Life of My Will will grow in them.  Therefore, be attentive in manifesting the qualities, the infinite riches It possesses, so that the Heaven of My Will may be more beautiful, more charming, more majestic—as indeed It is—than the heaven of Creation; so that, enraptured by Its beauty, by the goods It contains, all may yearn to come to live in the Kingdom of My Will.”