From the Calendar--July 25, 1938 Volume 36

After this He [Jesus] added: “My blessed daughter, Living in My Will puts everything in Order, and makes known the Good that all created things possess—the Love with which they are Invested. They pour themselves on the creature, to love her with a distinct Love that each created thing possesses. Therefore, in one who Lives in Our Will, We find the Love with which We Created Heaven; the variety of Our distinct Love with which We dotted It with stars. Each star is a different Love and We see it sealed in the creature. As she Loves Us with so many different varieties of Love—as many as are the stars—We feel Our Immense, Infinite Love being crowned by the crown of the Love of the creature. O! how Happy We feel in finding in her the Love that crowns Ours; so We Redouble, in return, Our Love in her, to make her Love Us more, more than Heaven with all Its stars. We find in her the Love with which We Created the sun. The sun is one, but the variety of the effects and goods it produces are Innumerable. Each effect is a distinct Love: it can be a kiss, a caress of Light from the Creator to His creature, a Loving hug, or many Acts of Life, inside of which We make arise those effects that can be called ‘food' for the creatures. So We find in one who Lives in Our Will the Love and the variety of effects with which We Created the sun. O! how We feel the return of Love, kisses, hugs—of the variety of effects of Love that the Light possesses. And We feel Our Inaccessible Light as being crowned by her Crown of Light and Love. What doesn't Our Will let Us find in one who Lives in It?

“It makes Us find the Love with which We Created the wind, the air, the sea, the tiny flower in the field, everyone and everything; and It gives Us back this Love, Redoubled, and We Redouble again this Love with which We Created all things. Our Love then makes a feast, feeling Loved—returned—and It prepares New Love Surprises and forms the Operating Creation in the creature. This Love binds all Heaven and earth, It flows everywhere and becomes like cement, Reuniting the division caused by lack of love between God and the creature. …”