From the Calendar--July 30, 1929 Volume 26

Then, I continued to do my acts in the Divine Fiat, and as I arrived at the point when It called to life, to daylight, the Sovereign Queen of Heaven, I thought to myself: “In creating the Most Holy Virgin, God not only enriched Her beautiful soul with many privileges, but Her nature also He must have transformed in order to render it as pure and holy as it is.”

And my beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, there was nothing to add to Her nature, because it was not the human nature that sinned, but the human will. In fact, the human nature was at its place, just as it came out of Our Creative Hands, therefore We used that same nature of other creatures in creating the Virgin. What contaminated itself in man was his will; and since this human nature was animated by this rebellious will, that dwelled in the human nature, it participated and remained contaminated. So, once the Divine Will and the human are placed in harmony, giving dominion and regime to the Divine, as it is wanted by Us, the human nature loses the sad effects and remains as beautiful as it came out of Our Creative Hands.

“Now, in the Queen of Heaven, all Our work was on Her human will, that received with joy the dominion of Ours; and Our Will, finding no opposition on Her part, operated prodigies of graces, and by virtue of My Divine Volition, She remained sanctified and did not feel the sad effects and the evils that the other creatures feel. Therefore, My daughter, once the cause is removed, the effects end. Oh! if My Divine Will enters into creatures and reigns in them, It will banish all evils in them, and will communicate to them all goods—to soul and body.”