From the Calendar--July 8, 1935 Volume 33

[Jesus speaking] “My daughter, this is My purpose: that I want that My Will would be life of the creature in order to keep her together with Me, so as to let her love with My Love, operate with My works, in sum, she is the company that I want in My acts; I do not want to be alone. And if this could not be, of what use to call the creature into My Will, if I would remain as isolated God, and she alone, without taking part in Our Divine works? And not only in the instituting of the Most Holy Sacrament, but in all the acts that I did in the whole course of My life, in virtue of the one Volition with which We were animated.

“What I did, My Mama did. If I did miracles, she was together with Me to operate the prodigy. I felt in the power of My Will the Sovereign Lady of Heaven, who together with Me called the dead to life. If I suffered, she was together with Me to suffer. There was nothing in which I did not have her company, and her and My work fused together. This was the greatest honor that My Fiat gave to her: the inseparability with her Son, the unity with His works. And the Virgin was the greatest glory that gave witness to Me, so much so that I deposited the completed works, and she received the deposit in her maternal Heart, jealous of guarding even the breath. This unity of Will and of work ignited such love between both, that it was enough to set the whole entire world on fire, and to consume it in pure love.”