From the Calendar--June 10, 1935 Volume 33

So while I did this, my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, the First Duty of the creature is to adore He who has Created her. The first act that says sanctity is duty; duty calls the order, and order makes arise the most beautiful harmony between the Creator and the creature: harmony of will, harmony of Love, of ways, and of imitation. Duty is the substance of sanctity, and since all created things possess and hold as naturally the imprint of True Adoration, so the creature united with them can lend the most Perfect Adoration to He who has created her. Therefore, every created thing is one Profound Adoration that they send to He who has created them. And the creature, uniting herself to them in virtue of Our Volition, places them all in Adoration, giving to God the duty of each one. And elevating herself over everyone, she brings everything to Us, and comes to beat in Our Heartbeat and to breathe in Our Breath.

“O! how sweet and welcome is this heartbeat and breath in Ours. And We, in order to exchange her, We beat in her heart and We breathe in her breath, giving her the Divine Heartbeat and Breath as Life, heritage, and growth of Our Supreme Being in her. And here to the Duty of Adoration rises the First Duty of the act of the creature: to give Life to her Creator in her own soul, to give Him the Dominion, the Freedom, to form Himself, to palpitate and breathe, to fill her with Love, in order to be able to say with deeds: ‘This creature is the Bearer of her Creator, and she lets Me do what I want.’ This is so true that I possess her heartbeat, she has nothing of hers; what is hers is Mine, and what is Mine is hers. I have My Place of Love in her, and she has her place of honor in Me such that Heaven and earth give each other the kiss of Peace and of Permanent Union.”