[Jesus speaking] “My daughter, how many unforgettable things there are in this Eden. Here Our Fiat created man, and made such display of love, that It poured Itself in torrents upon him; so much so, that We still feel the sweet murmuring with which We poured Ourselves over him. Here began the life of Our Fiat in the creature, and the sweet and dear memory of the acts of the first man done in It. These acts exist still now in Our Volition, and are as though pledges for him to be reborn in order to have the Kingdom of Our Fiat again.
“In this Eden there is the sorrowful memory of the fall of man, the exit he made from Our Kingdom. We still hear his steps when he went out of Our Divine Fiat; and since this Eden had been given to him so that he would live in It, We were forced to put him out, and We had the sorrow of seeing the work dearest to Us without his Kingdom, wandering and sorrowful. Our only relief were the pledges of his acts, that had remained in Our Will; these called for the rights of humanity to enter again the place from which it had gone out.
“This is why I await you in Eden to receive your small interest, to renew what We did in the Creation, and to receive the return for a love so great, not understood by creatures, and to find a loving pretext to give the Kingdom of Our Divine Will. Therefore, I want this Eden to be dear to you as well, that you may pray Us and press Us that the beginning of Creation, the life of Our Fiat, may return into the midst of the human family.”