From the Calendar--June 18, 1937 Volume 34

[Jesus speaking] “Daughter, if you would want to tell the multiplicity and diversity of love that We have placed in each created thing for every creature, and how she has the duty of knowing this multiple love in order to find the model to love Us with so many distinct loves as We have loved her, I would never finish. But alas! Our love remains isolated, without the company of the love of the creature. And this is a sorrow for Us, that Our love is not recognized in each created thing, while everything has the mandate from Us to love her with a distinct love. In the wind run the puffs of Our kisses, the billows of Our loving caresses, the moans of Our suffocated love; in the impetuosity of the wind, Our commanding love that wants to make itself known in order to rule over everything, and sometimes It reaches as to almost speak with deafening cries in order to have that she would hear nothing other than Our love that loves her. O! If the creature would recognize Our love that runs in the wind, she would return to Us Our kisses and Our caresses with hers. For the rest, because We kiss her and We caress her because We want to be kissed and caressed by her, she would moan together with Our love in order to not let Us suffer; she would love Us with her and Our commanding love; and crying out together with Our love, she would deafen everyone by telling them: ‘Let us love, let us love He who loves us so much.’”