[Jesus speaking] “… since Adam was the first man to be created, it came as a consequence that, he being as though the root, the trunk of all the human generations, they would inherit, almost like branches, what the root and the trunk of the tree of man possessed. And just like all creatures, as though by nature, inherit the seed of original sin, so do they inherit his first acts done in Our Will, that constitute the beginning and the right of the Kingdom of Our Divine Will for creatures.
“To confirm this, came the humanity of the Immaculate Virgin, to operate and to follow the acts of Adam, in order to fulfill, whole and entire, the Kingdom of the Divine Will, to be the first heiress of a Kingdom so holy, and to give to Her dear children the rights for them to possess It. And to complete all this, came My Humanity that, by nature, possessed the Divine Will that Adam and the Sovereign Queen possessed by grace, in order to confirm with the seal of Its acts this Kingdom of the Divine Will. So, this Kingdom exists in reality, because living humanities have formed their acts in It, as the necessary materials in order to form this Kingdom, to give to other humanities the right to possess It. And in order to further confirm It, I taught the ‘Our Father, ‘ so that, with prayer, they might dispose themselves and acquire the rights to receive It, and God might feel as though the duty to give It. By teaching the ‘Our Father,’ I Myself placed in their hands the right to receive It, and I committed Myself to giving a Kingdom so holy; and every time the creature recites the ‘Our Father,’ she acquires a sort of right to enter into this Kingdom—first, because it is the prayer taught by Me, that contains the value of My prayer; second, because the love of Our Divinity toward the creatures in so great, that We pay attention to everything, We notice everything, even the littlest acts, the holy desires, the little prayers, to requite them with great graces. We can say that they are pretexts, occasions that We keep looking for, to say to her: ‘You have done this, and We give you this. You have done the little, and We give you the great.’
“Therefore, the Kingdom exists, and if I have spoken to you so much about My Divine Will, those have been nothing other than the preparations of many centuries of My Church—the prayers, the sacrifices, and the continuous recitation of the ‘Our Father’—that have inclined Our goodness to choose a creature in order to manifest to her the many knowledges of Our Will, Its great prodigies. In this way I bound My Will to the creatures, giving them new pledges of Its Kingdom. And as you listened and tried to model yourself after My teachings that I gave you, so I formed new bonds, to bind the creatures in My Will.”