From the Calendar--June 22, 1908 Volume 8

This morning, I was feeling very oppressed because of the privation of my adorable Jesus, and I said to myself: “I cannot take anymore—how can I go on without my life? What patience it takes with You! What would be the virtue that would induce Him to come?” At that moment, He came and told me: “My daughter, the virtue that triumphs over everything, that conquers everything, levels everything, sweetens everything, is the Will of God, because It contains such power that nothing can resist It.”

While He was saying this, a road, all full of rocks, thorns and steep mountains, appeared before me. Once all this was placed in the Will of God, by the power of It the rocks were pulverized, the thorns were changed into flowers, the mountains leveled. So, in the Will of God all things have one same appearance; they all assume the same color. May His Most Holy Will be always blessed.