From the Calendar--June 26, 1927 Volume 22

Then I continued my flight in the Divine Volition, and hovering over each thought and act of creature, over each plant and flower, and over everything, I impressed my “I love You,” and I asked for the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat. But while doing this, I thought to myself: “What a long story in my poor mind, nor does it seem that I can get out of it—I must keep tracing all times, all places, all human acts, and even plants, flowers and everything, to impress an ‘I love You,’ and ‘I adore You,” an ‘I bless You,’ a ‘Thank You,’ and to ask Him for His Kingdom.”

But while I was thinking this, my sweet Jesus, moving again in my interior, told me: “My daughter, do you think you are the one who does this? No, no—it is My Will that keeps tracing all of Its acts that It issued in Creation, pearling each of Its acts, thoughts, words, steps, with Its ‘I love You’; and this ‘I love you’ runs through each act and thought toward each creature. One who is in My Will feels this love of God spread everywhere. His Love is hidden even in the plants, in the flowers, and even under the earth, in the roots; and unable to contain it, He rips the earth open, and pearls plants and flowers with His ‘I love you,’ to manifest His ardent Love toward the creature. And when My Will reigns in the soul, It wants to continue Its ‘I love you’ of Creation, and therefore It calls you to follow Its eternal love; and calling each thought and act, as well as all created elements, It says and makes you say, ‘I love you,’ and with Its very Will It makes you ask for Its Kingdom, so as to bind It once again in the midst of creatures.

“What enchantment, My daughter, to see your ‘I love You’ united to that of My Will, flowing in each thought and act of creature and asking for My Kingdom; to see this ‘I love You’ flowing in the might of the wind, extending in the rays of the sun, murmuring in the murmuring of the sea and in the roaring of the waves, impressing itself on each plant, and rising with the most beautiful adoration in the fragrances of the flowers; and, more than trembling voice, saying ‘I love You’ in the sweet twinkling and sparkling of the star—in sum, everywhere. One who does not live in My Divine Will does not hear this language of My Eternal Love in all of Its acts and in each created thing; but one who lives in It feels herself being called to love so many times for as many times as her Creator has loved her. All things speak with holy eloquence about My Love. How ungrateful she would be, if she did not follow the speaking love of My Eternal Fiat.”