From the Calendar--June 26, 1927 Volume 22

I was doing the usual round in the Divine Fiat, and while going around throughout the whole Creation, I thought to myself: “How much light and heat must my Creator have within Himself, if He released so much of them in creating the sun? Oh! how He must feel Himself burn with His own heat as He contains so much of it.”

But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior and told me: “My daughter, in Our things there is perfect and equal measure of everything. So, as much as is the Love, the Heat, the Light, so much is the Freshness, the Beauty, the Power, the Sweetness, etc. One is the weight of everything, and therefore Heat is nourished by Freshness, and Freshness by Heat; Light is nourished by Beauty, and Beauty nourishes Light, in such a way that one tempers the other. Strength nourishes Sweetness, and Sweetness Strength, and so with all the rest of Our Divine things, in such a way that each of them makes Us happy.

“By themselves, Our Qualities would oppress Us, but, together, being in perfect equality, they serve Us as happiness, as joys and as contentments, and they all compete to make Us happy. Heat brings Us the happiness of Love, and Freshness brings Us the joys of what is Beautiful, of what is Fresh. Light brings Us the joy of Light, and Beauty, tempering the vividness of Light, brings Us the happiness of what is Beautiful, Good, Holy, Immense; it braids all of Our Qualities and renders them all Beautiful, Lovable and Admirable for Us. Strength brings Us the happiness of the Strong, and Sweetness, invading it completely, brings Us the joys mixed with Sweetness and Strength. And everything that can be seen in Creation is nothing other than outpourings of the abundance of Light, of Heat, of Freshness, Beauty and Strength that We possess within Ourselves; and these outpourings were released by Us in order to nourish and delight the creatures with Our own outpourings, in such a way as to render them happy; and by dint of nourishing themselves with Our Qualities, creatures would become similar to Us, and would be bearers of happiness and of joys to their Creator.

“How beautiful it was to be, to see them luminous like sun; beautiful, more than flowery field and starry sky; strong like mighty wind; pearled with Divine freshness in such a way as to remain always new and fresh, without changing. Our Will would bring them all Our outpourings united together, that are such that one delights the other. But because man withdrew from the Supreme Fiat, he receives Our outpourings as separate from one another, and this is why the heat burns him, the light eclipses him, the cold makes him numb, the wind harms him, and many times it knocks him down and hurls him away. Not seeing in man the facsimile of his Creator, or the bond of union with the Divine Fiat, Our Qualities act as separate over him, and he does not receive the Happiness that they contain as united.

“Therefore, with My Will, the creature would have been the happiest being, while, without It, she is the unhappiest.”