[Jesus speaking] “But do you know what true light is? True light is the truth. The truth, known, embraced, loved and put into practice by the soul, is the true light, which transforms her into light itself, and causes new and continuous births of light to be placed inside and outside of her. This truth forms the true Life of God within the soul, because God is truth, and the soul is bound to the truth—even more, she possesses it. God is light, and she is bound to the light, and is nourished with light and with truth. However, while I nourish the soul with truth and with light, she must keep the current of her will opened, in order to receive the current of the divine communication. Otherwise, it can happen as with the electric current, to which its own electrical characteristics are not enough—the light is lacking, the preparations are needed in order to receive it. And, still, the light does not reach everyone equally, but according to the light bulbs they have: those who have one, receive one light; those who have ten, receive light for ten. And if the light bulbs contain more electric filaments, the lamps appear as more full of light; if they have less filaments, even though there is room inside the glass, the light is small. And even if the place where the current comes from can give more light, one does not receive it, because the strength of the electricity in order to receive it is lacking in the light bulbs. Therefore, it takes the celestial current which wants to give, as well as the human current in order to receive it; and according to your operating, you will add more filaments to render more complete the light which I want to enclose within you.”